What acne wash and body wash is best for mild forms of acne?
Body Acne Wash, Question by : What acne wash and body wash is best for mild forms of acne? Body Acne Wash
So I have a mild form or acne on my lower back and also on my forehead... What acne body wash and face cleaner should I use. Or home remdies. I need something that can work fast thanks.. P.S it would a lot of help if y'all could answer my previous question I would appreciate it.Body Acne Wash, Best answer:
Answer by Karan Tharma
Wash your face with mild soap. Don't use any cosmetics or oil based moisturizes. You can use over the counter medications that contain Benzoyl peroxide.
Answer by Shona
Use some face/body wash with peroxide or salicylic acid. Even the cheap ones and i works with me and after you wash your targeted areas use some kind of acne wipe, i use OXY wipes and they work for me :) and if you dont see improvement in it at all within months you should see a dermatologist just to be safe
Answer by ?
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Body Acne Wash รข" justaskashley1.blogspot.com Keywords body acne treatment, body acne wash, body acne, body acne treatments, how to get rid of body acne, get rid of body acne, body wash for acne, treatment for body acne, back acne, acne home remedies, how to prevent acne, back acne treatment, body acne... Body Acne Wash