What sould I do with my 11 year olds acne?

What sould I do with my 11 year olds acne?

Acne 11 Year Old, Question by Brittany H: What sould I do with my 11 year olds acne? Acne 11 Year Old

My 11 year old has black and whiteheads. She picks them constantly.She uses Cetaphil and ClearSkin from Avon. She also has a prescription called Benzol Perocside. None of the three are working What do you reccomend?

Acne 11 Year Old, Best answer:

Answer by Sporky
Just make sure she is taking care of her skin the way she should. Acne is normal, every kid gets it to varying degrees. It's really not that big of a deal, it will lessen as she gets older.

Answer by chanel6979
sallys' or walmart has this. it's called Mint Juleup. It's like a face mask. It's the mint kind. put that on those black/white heads for like 10 minutes or put it on like a mask it will dry them out in like 4 or 5 days she won't have anymore. I really swear by this stuff becasue i have oily skin at 30, oh and the bonus i think the big jar is no more than 7.00 at the store.

Answer by asizemore09
Go to a dermatologist. Maybe they could prescribe her a steroid.

Acne 11 Year Old, Add your own answer in the comments!Acne 11 Year Old

Acne 11 Year Old â€" This 26 year old,male, hispanic patient began suffering from acne at age 16. He is currently undergoing laser acen scar removal treatments at South Coast MedSpa. For more information or to book a FREE conultation go to www.southcoastmedspa.com or call 949-650-7267. Individual patient results may vary. Acne 11 Year Old


Acne 11 Year Old â€" alice_anna bananas001

Acne 11 Year Old

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