How can I treat cystic acne scars without prescription meds or a natural way?

How can I treat cystic acne scars without prescription meds or a natural way?

Cystic Acne Scars, Question by : How can I treat cystic acne scars without prescription meds or a natural way? Cystic Acne Scars

I've been off accutane for a few months but now I have a few cystic acne scars on the side of my face from the severe acne I had. What kind of cream could I use or natural supplement could I take to heal the scars, repair the damaged skin or make the cystic acne scars shrink. Please do not recommend any facial peels, doctor prescription drugs or injections. I've had a few shots of cortizone to the scars but with minimal results and I spent alot of $ $ . I'm currently using over the counter Cicaplast cream which costs me $ 25 for a small tube.

Cystic Acne Scars, Best answer:

Answer by xheartsinwrappersx
get vitamin E gel capsules, break them, and rub the gel over your scars. or try emu oil. I've used vitamin E on scars before and it's really helped them fade and diminish. I've heard emu oil can also help, but I've never tried it myself.

Answer by excito
Vitamin E (comes in capsules & ointment) is the best natural topical for any scars & it wouldn't hurt to try Apple-Cider Vinegar to help prevent acne..about 1tbsp three times a day. It doesn't taste very good so maybe mix it in a drink (&/or add honey). This is only one of the many things vinegar helps. Let me know what happens. Good Luck.

Answer by dumplingmuffin
good old fashioned sunshine

Cystic Acne Scars, Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!Cystic Acne Scars

Cystic Acne Scars â€" Acne treatments require specific lasers which target the bacteria that are infecting follicles, eliminating the infection without the need for antibiotics or medications like Accutane. A specialized BlueLight can also be used for this purpose. With the infection now in retreat, we use 1 or 2 additional lasers to shut down the inflammation that often accompanies acne and cystic acne. This will reduce swelling and remove redness and pigmentation. In many cases, acne treatments are integrated with a package of silk peels (dermal infusion facials) administered by our certified Medical Aestheticians. The Dermal Infusion procedure infuses into your dermis a natural substance called Salicylic acid, which is clinically proven to further reduce acne and cystic acne breakouts. In this procedure, a precise amount of the dead layer of your skin (Stratum Corneum) is also removed, which promotes further healing and rej uvenation of your skin to its silky smooth radiant state. In addition, the Medical Aesthetician will customize an anti-acne daily skincare regimen for continued acne treatment maintenance. At your complimentary consultation, our patient educators will advise you on the acne treatment and cystic acne treatment you will be receiving and give you a detailed step-by-step outline of the procedure. You will also be advised of the proper pre and post-treatment skincare instructions. After your acne treatment, expect to have some degree of redness, ranging from a ... Cystic Acne Scars


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Cystic Acne Scars

Cystic Acne Scars, Image by Drew_Blood for Cystic Acne Scars

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