Are these symptoms related??

Are these symptoms related??

Hormonal Acne During Ovulation, Question by weechi: Are these symptoms related?? Hormonal Acne During Ovulation

ok...i have been having some weird stuff going on lately....increasingly so over the last 6-9 months. i'm not that old (27) so i can't be falling apart... so i'm convinced they are all connected. but i just don't know what it would be! here it is 1. i have been having painful cramps ...i can seriously feel every bit of action in my ovaries...ovulation, period, some weird pains least half the month they hurt 2. serious hormonal rages...i feel bad for my family. 3. acne like a teenager...overnight. and then suddenly clear again. 4. itching all over my body...only during the hormonal rants and acne times 5. dizziness 6. this kind's hard to describe...but never feeling satisfied after eating. feeling full, but still having those hunger pains at the top of my stomach. 7. can't go to the bathroom at all, without using prescription help...yeah, not the pee kind. well for certain i will go to the doctor...i have an appt. next week. i've been going to my general doctor for months over the stomach stuff (i'd been living out of country and we thought it would be a bacteria at first) and from that i have are your own best advocate. but i'm so mystified by this..i thought it might be good to get to the gyno with some ideas already, so i could better advocate for myself.

Hormonal Acne During Ovulation, Best answer:

Answer by Shaumarie S
First of all, let me encourage you to go see your doctor. I cannot tell you for certain what might be troubling you, but there are a few things you might look into. The cramps and constipation could be symptoms of endometriosis, which is a buildup of the uterine wall lining. The hormonal aspects, dizziness, itching, and everything else could be early-onset menopause. I would really recommend seeing a physician if for no other reason than to ease your mind!

Answer by A Healthier You
Sounds like the beginning of premenopause! Are you taking hormonal birth control? That could be causing it.

Answer by el maddy
wowzers,we can't really tell you,you should see a doctor it sounds serious.

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Dr. Erika Schwartz discusses the Truth About Birth Control Pills

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