high protein fruit and vegetable? or recipes?
Acne Diet Recipes, Question by emily: high protein fruit and vegetable? or recipes? Acne Diet Recipes
i'm on a no carb high protein acne diet but going vegetarian as well. i need some really high protein vegies that are easy to eat at school. some high protein no carb recipes would be fantastic! or super amazing natural acne treatments though it is sort of off tangent.Acne Diet Recipes, Best answer:
Answer by John G
Answer by amoga
cashew nut Walnut good recipes http://www.samayalblog.com
Answer by Hannibal the Cannibal
Wow, no, no, and no. The no-carb diet is complete and utter crap, and it's extremely unhealthy. I don't know who called this an "acne" diet but your acne will clear up just by going vegetarian. If you meant "Atkins" diet, again, this is an extremely unhealthy diet. The body NEEDS carbohydrates. Even bodybuilders, who rely extremely heavily on protein, know to consume about double the amount of carbs as they do protein. Carbs aren't the devil. You need carbs to help you digest the protein and to give your body energy. I know you think it's a cute little quick fix, but there's just no such thing. I lost about 100lbs in about 10 months and even though I was an omnivore at the time and trying to put on muscle mass, you better believe I consumed double the amount in carbs as I did protein. As long as you stick to regular ol' natural food, you'll be fine. It's all the candy and processed white bread that are "bad" carbs.
Acne Diet Recipes, Give your answer to this question below!Acne Diet Recipes
Acne Diet Recipes รข" AcneErasingSecrets.com This smoothie contains raw organic carrots, apples, bananas, and greens with 100% grape juice to add a little more flavor. These all support healthy and clear skin, so get the ingredients and blend away! it's good too! Please like, comment, subscribe and share! David "The Skin" King Acne Diet Recipes