Acne scar removal help please?
Acne Discoloration Removal, Question by poopwarrior8: Acne scar removal help please? Acne Discoloration Removal
Okay, so recently within the last 3 months, I got acne, and it looks like I already got some intense scars. I figured that it might be a good idea to treat them, so any opinions by people who have treated their acne scars or doctors are appreciated. Here's my questions: Does vitamin E oil work to lighten scars? The majority of my scars are red/inflamed or a darkened color. How would I treat this? Would chemical peels or dermabrasions somewhat improve the scarring and discoloration? Thank you for your help. P.S. I do see a dermatologist, but I don't see him for another few weeks.Acne Discoloration Removal, Best answer:
Answer by Lax M
Vitamin E will not help but dermabrasion and peeling does help for superficial scars.
Acne Discoloration Removal, Give your answer to this question below!Acne Discoloration Removal
Acne Discoloration Removal รข" Skin discoloration and uneven skin tone is a common complaint with customers, whether its because of acne spots, age spots, hyperpigmentation or melasma. This product is a non-hydroquinone skin lightener designed to remove those spots and give you an even skin tone! 9/10/10 UPDATE/NOTE: This product is not available in the US right now; however, the Atache Scientific Cosmetic Despigmen Intens Performance Solution is a great alternative, you get a lot more product for the $ $ and its active ingredient profile is the same. Questions about this product or what's right for YOUR skin? Contact me: Acne Discoloration Removal