How to care for teenaged skin?

How to care for teenaged skin?

Acne Rosacea Skin Care, Question by Emily: How to care for teenaged skin? Acne Rosacea Skin Care

Hi, I'm a teenager with mild acne and rosacea. How can I properly care for my skin to keep it healthy and treat the acne/rosacea? What does your skin care regimen consist of? I have extremely delicate skin and cannot tolerate harsh products.

Acne Rosacea Skin Care, Best answer:

Answer by toriiex
I have been through this stage over and over again most importantly make sure you wash your face at least 3 times a day if you have oily skin! I;ve done tablets from my doctors, homeopathy and every product from boots! I followed a programme on television which i saw a few months ago on caring for your skin, it showed the beauty ragime of french women and it cleared my skin up so good, all natural and 100|% for sensetive skin. Splash your face with warm water (opens pores) Pat semi dry Add moisturiser (not too much if you have oily skin!) Leave to dry makes your skin feel amazing and is so cheap! Twice a week try boots teatree and witch hazel peel off mask, works wonders with stubborn spots! costs around £2.00

Answer by Eliza
My favorite company is Clean & Clear, though it varies for everyone. The wave or the similar thing made by dove are both great, but you have to keep replacing the pads which does get pricey. Don't put cream on your face unless it is specifically for the face. Also, cover up is great for your looks but not great for your skin. Put a little on if it makes you feel more confident but don't use to much or your face will get worse. Just remember everyone your age is having the same problem.

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