Acne blemishes?

Acne blemishes?

Acne Blemishes, Question by fuhleese: Acne blemishes? Acne Blemishes

I have dark acne blemishes all around my face and I would like them to fade away, not just cover up. What is something good to use that works and how long does it usually take?

Acne Blemishes, Best answer:

Answer by Hope F
Your blemishes aka Hyperpigmentation can be treated with products containing hyrdoquinone (2 to 6%) (which inhibits the production of skin pigment) and will take from 3 months to a year, perhaps even more to fade the blemishes away completely. The products are usually known as bleaching, fading, or skin lightening creams and they can be bought over the counter or with a prescription, depends on the strength. You would have to apply it to the spots at least once a day, and always apply a strong SPF sunscreen during the day to ensure that the spots don't get darker. Avoid applying the fading cream to the other skin because you don't want those parts to get lighter. Of course you have to make sure to keep using it everyday until the scars are gone or otherwise they will just come back, so patience pays a lot. But as according to the directions, if you don't see any results in 3 to 4 months, discontinue. I have been using it on scars for 2 months and I see results. Some brands are Esoterica and Porcelana (both 2% hydroquinone), they can be found in drug stores. The price range is from 5-12 dollars. I get mine from Wal-mart, so much cheaper. There are stronger products like Dermesse which is 4 percent and has a better formula but can cost you up to 60 bucks and can be found at skin laser centers. And then prescription creams are even more expensive, about $ 100, but they contain other ingredients like Retin A to help in the process, so it's probably worth it. Another solution is microdermabarasion + chemical peel. Very expensive, may take up to six treatments (6 months), you have to make sure you go to a qualified profession. Perhaps your dermatalogy office provides these services, you might want to check.

Answer by roxy
use netrogena daily scrub every day and mosturise with oil free mosturiser. the scrub will exfoliate the top layer of dead cells and remove the marks with it. but if have raw acne which is red and painful, then wauit till they go down. use advance spot treatment on the raw spots.

Answer by Sugar-Sweet
I have a friend that had that problem severely. She got rid of it completely by using a "AcneFree" fading lotion. After using that, she used a peel by Neutrogena. Every time after using the peel, she would take a shower and dermabrate (scrub her skin with a rough sponge). It was gone in a few weeks.

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Acne Blemishes â€" Blog: Twitter Facebook: Get Scandalous Beauty Blog & Youtube Updates by Email: This is how I cover any acne marks, blemishes and face discolorations. You KNOW I must love you all TO DEATH to showcase my imperfections like this!!! Products Billy B. Brushes 3 and 4 MAC Studio Finish Concealer MAC Studio Fix MAC Moisturelush Juice Beauty Blemish Clearing Serum can be found at Sephora ( or Juice Beauty's official website ( I'm wearing Clinique Superbalm Moisturizing Gloss in Passionfruit on my lips! Acne Blemishes


Acne Blemishes â€" un crater mas

Acne Blemishes

Acne Blemishes, Image by !unite for Acne Blemishes

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