What is the best moisturizer for sensitive/acne prone skin?

What is the best moisturizer for sensitive/acne prone skin?

Acne Moisturizer Reviews, Question by EM: What is the best moisturizer for sensitive/acne prone skin? Acne Moisturizer Reviews

I have painfully dry skin from prescription acne creams. I want a good moisturizer so i can get rid of the burning feeling after i use my RX at night but i don't want any pore clogging! Price doesn't matter but it has to work. I will read product reviews but there is so much out there. I want some product names to start my research with. ...Thanks for your help...

Acne Moisturizer Reviews, Best answer:

Answer by ouch_imangry
I have been using this moisturizer forever and it's amazing. It's not oily and it's very gentle and doesn't make me break out ever. It can be found at any grocery store or drug store. http://skinnymenny.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/neutrogena-moisturizer.jpg

Answer by :)A-RoseG
I used to suffer from acne, but luckily have grown out of it. I believe that without sudocrem, my face would be COVERED in scarring from all of the spots. I still use it, just to keep my skin clear and fresh. First off, every day and night, ALWAYS use a wash wash, and possibly blackhead cleaner if you need it also. But at nights, after you've done the wash washing, etc. Rud sudocrem on your big, red, obvious spots, and do it continuously until you notice they fade. If you're in the UK, and feel like you're suffering massively, ask your mum or dad to take you to the doctors and ask to be subscribed their acne treatment, it can be tablets or face wash or a little thing you rub on spots. It works really well, cleared everything up for me in just over a month. :) Good luck, x

Answer by Deesa80

Acne Moisturizer Reviews, Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!Acne Moisturizer Reviews

Acne Moisturizer Reviews รข€" I've been using Cetaphil for about a year now, but each bottle lasts for about several months. It's quite good for the oily skin but I recommend slathering it on during night time. Even though the bottle claims the lotion to be "non greasy" I find it too greasy for my oily skin. Good hydration for dry skin, however. 4 stars/ 5 stars (not bad for over the counter stuff!) Fragrance Free, Non clogging (good for sensitive and oily skin as well!) Can purchase online for .99 (international orders are welcomed too!) at www.drugstore.com Acne Moisturizer Reviews

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