How can I get rid of red acne marks?
Acne How To Get Rid Of Red Marks, Question by Eli: How can I get rid of red acne marks? Acne How To Get Rid Of Red Marks
Hi, I might be attending community college this summer and I'd really like to get rid of all the red marks on my face before I start school. I have red marks from acne on both my cheeks and some on my chin, I have about 23 marks altogether. How can I get rid of these ugly red marks? ThanksAcne How To Get Rid Of Red Marks, Best answer:
Answer by Dc Star
Same problem with me. I'm also very tensed about it. But i'm using a simple trick. 1. Wash your face as much as you can. 2. Rose water with lemon juice. Apply on scars twice a day. For me it's helping but very slowly. Take care
Answer by !*JJ*!
I like clinique dark spot corrector but if you have the money and the scarring is deep I would go for more invasive methods such as dermabrasion, chemical peels, fraxil laser resurfacing, Fotofacial, sublative rejuvenation.
Answer by Fonda
With all the advancement in science, removing acne scars isn't any big problem. Today, dermatologists are employing methods which aren't only safe, but effective to restore the lost appeal of your skin. Some of these popular methods are highlighted below: Ointments or Creams: There are a number of pharmaceutical companies that are suffering from acne scar creams. By using these ointments and creams is as simple as applying it on the affected part as instructed about the label of the product. These have proven to be very efficient to fight mild and light acne scars. Dermabrasion: This is a medical procedure in which the doctors eliminate the surface (epidermis) plus the inner layer (dermis) on the skin in a very systematic manner, in order that innermost layers of your skin are not damaged. This manner of treatment, which utilizes motor driven burrs to peel from the lime your skin layer, has brought smiles to many people acne scar sufferers. Basically, it removes the damaged dermis which is to blame for causing scars. Removing superficial skin exposes healthy skin cells that eventually form an even skin a duration of time. Chemical Peels: This type of treatment involves peeling over skin using chemicals. Within this method, mild organic acids, that will not harm your skin layer are employed. Chemical solutions that are frequently used to get a clear complexion are salicylic or glycolic acid. Before you apply any of these solutions, the facial skin needs to be washed properly. Once applied, it should be left there for several minutes. The individual can experience mild burning sensation very often lasts for 10-15 minutes. Laser Therapy: When all treatment methods are not able to clear acne scars fast, laser skin treatment could be the last resort to these blemishes. This advanced technique has become well liked recently mainly because it helps make the skin free of acne scars within a short time. Although laser treatments are expensive, success is guaranteed. Severe acne leaves deep scars and could require several session of laser scarring treatment.
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How to Get Rid of Red Marks Left from Acne using Home Remedies
Article by Taalib
A red mark left by acne treatment is one common problem for those suffers of acne, and somewhat embarrassing for most of the people. Acne is usually after affect of clogged skin pores because of natural body secretions combined with sweat, dirt and dead skin cells. Acne eventually leaves scar and could take lot of time to heal. Here are few tips to get rid of acne scars and keep pores clean to prevent any further outbreak.
When you go out, keep your face well covered so that it doesn't accumulate any dust of pollution on the skin. Don't forget to wash your face regularly and apply water based moisturizer to keep skin well nourished. Products you apply on your face are also very important to control acne, some of you maybe allergic to certain products or chemicals in that causing acne outbreak. Take an example of moisturizers most of them are very greasy and oil based thus causing blockage of skin pores that eventually turn into acne swelling.
Religiously remove all the makeup and cosmetic with the help of natural astringed absorbed in cotton wool before you go for bed. Home Remedies for Red Acne Marks
One of the most common reasons for acne is scarring and scratching of acne constantly can cause it to spread to other parts of the body and thus also give rise to infections. Acne red marks could also be prevented with the help of a healthy and nutritious diet. A healthy diet is important for the maintenance of your skin's health. Avoid eating oily, deep fried, greasy and processed foods as they could aggravate your acne.
At the same time there are few very effective home remedies you can try for immediate relief. Easiest and most effective way is to wash your face regularly with cold water time to time. Aloe vera is another effective treatment for acne and spark. Cleanser your skin with aloe vira juice to help curb oil production.
following are home remedies of acne or pimple scars using ingredients from you r kitchen.
Large pores on facial skin can be treated with paste of sandalwood (chandan) powder with black gram (masoor) dal. Apply on scars and leave it overnight and wash with cold water the next day. This is an efficient remedy to get rid of acne scars.
Make thick past of sandal wood powder and black gram. Apply it for overnight and wash following morning with cold water. If your skin turns very dry in the morning, apply the paste for lesser hours or you could use little milk to the paste. Apply the ice cubes on the face for few minutes as it will help tighten the pores. Apply a mixture of equal parts of milk cream and lemon juice on your face to lighten the scars.Apply cucumber juice on the face. Wash it off after 15 minutes to tighten the pores.Cut a tomato in half and rub on the skin. Leave on for 15 minutes. Wash it off with water. This will reduce open pores and blackheads. Add 2-4 drops of fresh lime juice a tablespoon of fresh tomato juice. Massage this mixture on your face in circular motions with a cotton ball. Leave it on for about 15-20 minutes and then wash with cool water. Daily use of this will shrink pores.