Could an STD cause a rash around the mouth?
Acne Rash Around Mouth, Question by Frisky: Could an STD cause a rash around the mouth? Acne Rash Around Mouth
I recently hooked up with a girl and went down on her and 3 days later I have a mild rash around my mouth - it's not acne, sort of dry looking and little small bumps. But on the skin, not my actual lips or inside my mouth. I looked up online and it sounds like Perioral Dermatitis but seeing that it happened after hooking up with this girl, I'm not sure because Perioral Dermatitis it says they do not know what causes it. Could it be some type of infection or yeast?Acne Rash Around Mouth, Best answer:
Answer by mangomadness83
Yes you can get an STD from oral sex, your MD can run some tests to find the exact cause.
Answer by starr_goddess
i know someone that told me when her bf goes down on her he breaks out into a could be an irritation from her discharge or somethin like that...but it can also be an std like thing to do is see a doc and get tested..and if u plan on messing around with her again...u should advise her to get tested too to be on the safe side
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Acne Rash Around Mouth รข" In this tutorial, Chris Schach MD discusses the therapeutic approach to this common acneiform eruption commonly seen in women and children. Learn about other dermatological conditions by visting our website. Key Points *Common skin condition typically affecting the skin surrounding the mouth and nose *Exact cause is unknown, may be related to microorganisms in follicles, irritants, or use of certain topical medications *Majority of affected persons are women and children *Consists of groupings of small red bumps which may be accompanied by itching or sensitivity with a scaly red rash Perioral dermatitis is a common skin condition which typically affects the skin surrounding the mouth (perioral) and the nose (perinasal). Occasionally, the rash will surround the eyes (periocular) The condition consists of groupings of small, red bumps which may be accompanied by itching or tenderness. Skin in the affected area may be flaky, dry and pink in color. The area tends to be sensitive and may sting or burn with minimal irritation. Lesions usually occur around the mouth, and often involve the skin around the nose as well. Lesions may also spread to the skin of the chin, cheeks and eyes. The exact cause of perioral dermatitis is unknown. There are several factors which may be related to its development, most likely a hormonal change leading to a regional overgrowth of the skin's colonizing microorganisms. This condition is similar to acne in that it seems to ... Acne Rash Around Mouth