Cystic Acne??
Cystic Acne With Pregnancy, Question by Garrett's Mommy: Cystic Acne?? Cystic Acne With Pregnancy
I started to get cystic acne when I was halfway through my pregnancy (my son is now eight months it has been a while now). Over time and with the help of a dermatologist all but one spot has gone away. I'm not sure why this particular pimple, or whatever you want to call it, will not go away. The worst part is that it is on my face and it is really noticeable. It is red..and when my son..who doesn't know what he is doing yet hits me in the face it really hurts!! I had cortisone injections...I think that is what they were a few of them but they were in spots that aren't seen by others. The dermatologist said this can't be done on the face because it will leave an indent or depression that will be even more noticeable. I would like to know if anyone else has gone through this or if there is a solution to this. My dermatologist wants to put me on accutane but I don't think that would be the best since there is only one pimple. Any advice will help!! ThanksCystic Acne With Pregnancy, Best answer:
Answer by barbiebrown
Let the dermatologist put you on Accutane. It is the ONLY cure for acne. All other medications will manage the acne , but as soon as you go off the medicine, the acne comes back. I know there are alot of warnings about Accutane, but your dermatologist will watch you closly and monitor your blood levels. The main thing is contraception--you must be extra careful. I put all three of my kids on it because I am 51 years old I did not want them to have the scars on their faces like I STILL have on my face from teenage acne. It seems like you had adult acne and it will probably flare up again, which will mean more cortisone shots etc I continued to have cystic acne flares on and off until I was 30 years old and they came out with Accutane. It was the only thing that cleared it up. You also really do need a good skin cleaning regiment. The purpose of the cleanser is to get out the dirt. Then an exfoliate (gritty) to buff off the dead skin cells. Then medicated cream for the acne and then oil free moisturizer. I know it sounds like alot, but it makes all the difference. I use a product called Intaglio, but Neurtragena or Clearasil products are fine--just get the stuff for acne. The moisturizer will help the dry skin. I hope this helps.
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Acne During Pregnancy
Article by Bruce Mathew
Acne is a common skin disorder that affects people of all ages and gender. Eventually, acne during pregnancy is a common concern for pregnant women. Several causes contribute towards development of acne during pregnancy, and the major cause is hormonal changes and imbalances. Eventually, acne during pregnancy is solely attributed with hormonal changes. Hormonal changes are more common and unavoidable during pregnancy period and it is found to be unusual during the first and third trimester period due to growth of fetus.
Pregnancy related acne can occur even for women who had a flawless skin with no traces of acne before pregnancy and it can get worsen with earlier history or presence of acne. Acne during pregnancy is mainly caused due to two factors namely progesterone hormones and changes in hydration.
Progesterone is an androgenic hormone and this hormone is responsible for impaling the healthy ovum. The male hormone produces more oil by stimulating th e oil glands, leading towards development of acne or worsening the acne.
Hydration is the second major reason for developing acne. Pregnant women are generally advised to drink more water for regulating the hormones and lack of liquid intake result towards undiluted hormones which causes acne. Moreover, drinking more water contributes towards good growth of fecus and relaxed uterus.
In maximum cases, pregnant women develop cystic acne with pustules and blackheads. Before undergoing any kind of treatment for acne, consulting with a physician is very important as normally prescribed acne medications, creams and over the counter drugs can worsen the condition and affect the health of mother as well the baby. The good thing is, women who had no history of acne and clear skin before pregnancy can obviously get back the normal skin after delivering the baby.
Generally, acne is treated by a physician by prescription of drugs like Retin - A, Accutane and Tetracy cline. Further, birth control pills are also recommended in few cases. However, these medicines should not be used to treat acne by pregnant women and women who are looking for pregnancy.
Instead of choosing oral medications and drugs, pregnant women can choose for herbal moisturizer, cleanser, etc for treating acne during pregnancy. Benzyl Peroxide is good in treating the cystic acne and is also safe for pregnant women.
Quick tips to reduce the effect of acne during pregnancy:
Keep the skin free from oil and clean. Oil free skin is less prone to develop acne Acne is more prone with clogged pores. Washing the face regularly helps in unclogging the pores, which can reduce the acne. Try for an herbal or natural cleanser, which cleanses the skin and removes the toxic substances. Drink lot of water and eat lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. Fruits are rich in vitamins and anti-oxidants, which effectively treat the condition. Pregnant women with severe ac ne can use Aloe Vera gel on the affected spots, which has effective components in healing and treating the condition.
Regardless of severity of acne during pregnancy, it is quite natural that all pregnant women tend to have a glowing skin and exclusive radiance.