can stress be someone's number one cause for acne?
Acne Number One Cause, Question by element: can stress be someone's number one cause for acne? Acne Number One Cause
i wash my face twice a day. i put a clean shirt over my pillow every night. i try to eat a bunch of fruit and i only drink water. but i have a bumch of stress so im wondering if thats the main reason i get like 5 to 10 new pimples on my face everydayAcne Number One Cause, Best answer:
Answer by cool guy
stress could be a major factor... also more important thing is what do you eat.. eat fruits rich in vitamin C and A these are best treatment options for Acne...
Acne Number One Cause, Give your answer to this question below!Acne Number One Cause
Acne Number One Cause รข" How Do You Get Rid Of Acne? Click Here To Watch Part 2 - I can Help! Are you freakin tired of your acne? Would you like to know how to rid acne forever? Well, there is real help. You can finally become acne free and have the skin that you always wanted! I can give you some helpful tips that will help you get rid of your zits and keep them from returning. 1. Drink plenty of water! Drinking plenty of water will flush your body and skin of gross toxins and other nasty chemicals. Water is proven to keep your skin smooth. I suggest you drink AT LEAST 10 cups a day. Also, cut down on the soft drinks. All the extra sugars and chemicals are guaranteed to make your acne worse. 2. Do Not Pop! How Do You Get Rid Of Acne? Its not by popping your pimples. Allot of people think that popping your zits will help them heal quicker. This is not true. Popping your zits can actually lead to infections and even caus e acne scars. The best thing to do if you have a ripe pimple is to put a warm, wet washcloth on your face. 3. Wash your face twice a day. Wash gently and avoid scrubbing your face. The point here is to remove all of the dirt and most of the oils on your face. However, you need to make sure that you do not over wash your face. This can have an opposite affect and will cause even more zits. If you get rid of all the natural oils off your face too often, your body will make and abundance of oils on your face and cause even more acne. 4. Eat clean. This is the ... Acne Number One Cause