does anyone know a good way without having an actual procedure done to lessen or reduce acne scarring?
Acne Tools Home, Question by hippie_britt: does anyone know a good way without having an actual procedure done to lessen or reduce acne scarring? Acne Tools Home
is there any at home products or tools so to speak to help with scarring on the face? id like to do what i can before having a procedure done. anyone know of anything?Acne Tools Home, Best answer:
Answer by Flingershock (Suspended)
Yes. I used to have extremely bad acne when I was a teenager but now my face is as pure as a movie star's. There is a product on the market called cetaphil. You wash your face in the morning and at night with this and water for the first 2 weeks. This will stop new pimples from forming. During these 2 weeks, look for pimples that have a white dot in the middle. You can pop these by squeezing the sides of the pimple between your two index fingers. Be sure to have washed your hands before this and to wash them after too. Also be sure to wash off the white junk on your face and put a little rubbing alcohol on the site. Also never pop the pimples that look like mosquito bites and don't have a white dot in the middle. After about 2 to 3 weeks of this procedure, the surface of your face will have become smoother. Then you can incorporate the shaving cream procedure. In addition to the cetaphil washes, in the morning, right after washing the face, apply some shaving cream on both sides of your face and softly, carefully shave the surface with a razor. What this does is it takes off the dead skin cells which trap bacteria. If you combine the two methods for about an year, your acne will all be gone.
Answer by mike_rosaro
Well the answer really depends on your budget and for how long you have had your acne scars and how bad they are... But here are some basic tips: If you are on a tight budget and don't want to buy anything, I would recommend some home remedies; my favorites are ice cubes and lemon juice. Althought they don't do miracles some may actually help reduce the redness at least. You can find some more at: If you have a small budget to purchase a scar cream, I would recommend the Zenmed acne scar kit. Its all natural and comes with a 60 day money back guarantee. The skin eraser does wonders! With the money back guarantee its a no brainer and definately worth the try! If all fails you can also always try covering them up as well: Good Luck, M
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Acne Tools Home รข" The OxyDerm Professional Beauty Device has been developed by the professionals at TEI Spa to aid in the purification and sterilization of skin, fight against inflammation, and accelerate the skin's metabolism. TEI Spa professional technology has made it possible for those with blemish prone skin to experience maximum anti-acne results in the comfort of their own home, in just minutes a day. The OxyDerm not only helps clear up acne and blemished skin, but visibly brightens skin tone and complexion for health, radiant skin. HOW IT WORKS: The OxyDerm At Home Ozone Facial Device works by generating tiny pulses of electricity, much like static electricity. When this static electricity travels through the air it ionizes the air it's passing though creating "initial oxygen" which possesses strong oxidation or sanitizing abilities. By expelling carbon dioxide into skin, your skin is able to absorb more oxygen , which allows better circulation. By strengthening cell functions you improve the clarity and quality of your skin, giving it a more beautiful, clear and youthful appearance. Zap Bites, Redness, Inflammation & Irritation To help alleviate itchiness & irritation from bug bites, use directly on the bite and move in small circles for about 30 seconds. For irritation after waxing or shaving, use on clean skin for about a minute on affected areas. Available at Acne Tools Home
Learn to Clear Acne at Home
Article by Osita Modozie
Acne will not just lower your self-confidence, but there is a chance it may result to everlasting pocking. Assuming you are not the type of person that buys the idea of utilizing oral or topic medicine, then the choices available will be best to clear your acne at home. You will just have to read on to discover what the alternatives are.
1. You can begin by cleaning your face using a balmy cleansing agent for up to two times per day. It is necessary for you to utilize a ph cleanser which is at least 7, meaning it should not contain any fragrance or even chemical add-ons.
2. You should avoid making any physical contact with your face. Even if you want to do this, make sure the hand you want to use and touch it is very neat. The reason is because a hand that contains bacteria may help to worsen your acne problem.
3. You should desist from the temptation to squeeze your pimples. As I told you earlier on that when you have bacteria on any of your hands o r on an unsterilized tool, it will result to excessive spots or even permanent poking.
4. The steaming of your face for at least one time or two times in a hebdomad will aid to loosen your facial pores. You will need to heat some clean water on fire, take away the can from your heater, cover a towel throughout your head and direct your face at the entrance of the can. When you must have finished this, you will need to clean your face using cold water. It is a good way to clear acne at home.
5. You can utilize volatile oils like chamomile, calendula, mint, juniper and lavender. You will need to apply this oil straight on your skin. The best way to make the benefits of this oil to have an impact on your acne is to blend ten drips of each of the oils you may have using 2 teaspoons full of almond oil and smoothly massage some drops right there on your affected region.
6. You may also attempt the use of natural herbs. It is know that saw palmetto aids to stabil ize the hormones of males, whereas chaste tree berry does the similar thing for females. Herbs like cayenne, chaparral, burdock and alfalfa also performs the same work.
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