My 11 year old is getting acne. Should I start her on a treatment or let it be b/c she is starting puberty?

My 11 year old is getting acne. Should I start her on a treatment or let it be b/c she is starting puberty?

Acne 11 Year Old, Question by shawna914: My 11 year old is getting acne. Should I start her on a treatment or let it be b/c she is starting puberty? Acne 11 Year Old

She has whiteheads and is getting scars because she picks at them. I know that she is starting puberty and I don't know if this acne will be temporary. I don't want to start her on something that could potentially harm her skin when these breakouts that she is getting could go away on their own.

Acne 11 Year Old, Best answer:

Answer by Janell D
OMG, there are so many options now that were not available when you and I were kids!! Take her to a dermatologist and get her some help, there is no reason for her to suffer through acne.. There are so many self image problems that kids face at this time in their lives, help her with this one issue at least.

Answer by Jon C
Best would be to let a doctor or a dermatologist to check it out and give you advice.

Answer by theoriginalmel
Why don't you take her to a dermatologist and let a professional decide what to do. Puberty is hard enough without having to deal with acne any more than necessary!

Acne 11 Year Old, Give your answer to this question below!Acne 11 Year Old

Acne 11 Year Old รข€" 14 year old Marissa is worried about her acne. Dr Dawn Harper runs through the options to make it better. Acne 11 Year Old

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