20 and have a ton of acne around mouth area?

20 and have a ton of acne around mouth area?

Acne Around Mouth And Chin Solutions, Question by some girl: 20 and have a ton of acne around mouth area? Acne Around Mouth And Chin Solutions

I'm 20 and over the past year I've developed severe acne around my mouth, chin and jaw area. My cheeks are completely clean. I get a little bit of acne on my forehead too. (2-3 zits usually around there). But in mouth area I have like 30-35 zits at all the time. I also have a ton of skin colored bumps there too. I have tried everything to get rid of them. I tired neutrogena, clean and clear, clearasil, biore, cetaphil etc. none of those even made a bit of difference. I went to the dermatologist and got prescribed atralin and aczone which I used for two months and still no difference, acne just as bad as ever. I went to another dermatologist who looked at my acne and said none of the creams were working because they weren't getting deep enough. So he gave me doxycycline which I've been taking for a little bit now but still notice no difference. Nothing even helps at all. What should I do? Also I don't know if it's related but I only get my period like 4-6 times a year pretty rarely and very irregularly. I also have a lot of sleep problems. I was wonder if I could have some underlying problem causing all this? Is there any solution? i've already seen a dermatologist multiple times it didn't help. i've tried witch hazel, apple cider vinegar and changing my diet. I also am allergic to benzoyl peroxide so I can't use that.

Acne Around Mouth And Chin Solutions, Best answer:

Answer by Maker
Seeing a dermatologist is probably best!

Answer by pab.lo_honey
I had the same problem you had a few months ago. Breakouts only on the chin and jawline, the rest of my face clear as day. Here's some tips.. Stop using acne products. They have way too many chemicals and can make your acne even worse. My amazing skin care regime I have just started.. wash face(gently) with BAKING SODA in the morning get some ACV(apple cider vinegar), dilute with some water, add to cotton ball...use this as a toner. I know you've tried the vinegar before but stick with it!! it really does work wonders. I use Cetaphil facial moisturizer, it is lightweight, no fragrance, spf 15, and for all skin types. you will be amazed at how clean and fresh your face feels. at night, wash with baking soda gently and use the cetaphil moisturizer. sometimes i use clean and clear advantage on the spot treament for existing pimples. make sure your hands are always clean before you wash your face, keep your pillow cases clean also. for a mask, mix egg white and fresh lemon juice. apply to face with cotton ball leave on 10-15 minutes. you can do this 2 times a week or even every day if you have time. this refines your pores, dries up pimples, and the lemon juice reduces acne scars, makes your skin brighter..cleaner. I am a hormonal 23 year old female and have constant breakouts. Got tired of spending so much money on products that were harmful to my face and only caused me more stress which led to more breakouts. with this regime, my face is clear..my acne scars are fading..and my skin is so soft and my skintone has evened out. also, usually the condition of your skin is a direct result of your lifestyle/eating habits. you need to be healthy internally as well. drink TONS of water to wash out impurities. cut down on dairy and sweets. NO caffeine. exercise when you can! read the reviews from hundreds of people from the links below i hope this helps. i feel your pain!

Acne Around Mouth And Chin Solutions, Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!Acne Around Mouth And Chin Solutions

Acne Around Mouth And Chin Solutions รข€" Home remedies for dry skin around the mouth include ceasing to use a product you may be allergic to or wearing Vaseline around the lip line at night. Care for red or dry skin on the face with information from a practicing dermatologist in this free video on skin care. Expert: Loretta Ciraldo Contact: www.drloretta.com Bio: Dr. Loretta Ciraldo is a board-certified dermatologist in Miami, Fla. Filmmaker: Paul Muller Acne Around Mouth And Chin Solutions

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