What is the best acne treatment for adult acne?
Best Adult Acne Treatment, Question by Sparky: What is the best acne treatment for adult acne? Best Adult Acne Treatment
I am 45 years old and I have battled an acne problem since I was a teenager. At times it would be OK but then flare up again. For the past 4 years I have used Proactiv and although it helps, I still have flare ups. Has anyone tried any other products out there other than Proactiv and has had any success?Best Adult Acne Treatment, Best answer:
Answer by ken d
Dr Murad's Acne Complex http://www.askaquery.com/Answers/qn1548.html
Answer by tomtabear
Pro active solution works great when also taking multi vitamins
Answer by shopaholic
See a dermatologist and get something that is supported by the doctors. i have tried many off-the-counter products and none of them gave me a permanent solution. it's always, clear up for awhile and then, oops! acne, here they come!
Best Adult Acne Treatment, Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!Best Adult Acne Treatment
Best Adult Acne Treatment รข" The best adult acne treatment is different from the more traditional acne solutions on the market today. This is due to the difference in environmental stresses and hormone changes in the body. Best Adult Acne Treatment