Acne flare up related to sex?

Acne flare up related to sex?

Adult Acne Pictures, Question by : Acne flare up related to sex? Adult Acne Pictures

Firstly, I am an adult, age 26. I have always had adult acne but managed to get it pretty much under control (especially in the last year or so) by trial and error until I found a combination of skin care products, routines, and make up that works for me. About a month ago I had the most bizarre break out: dozens of little white heads popped up on my chin on the same day. When I say "dozens" I am being literal! I counted over 25 on my chin/lower lip alone, and maybe 12 on my upper lip. And they were all contained within the region between my nose and chin. This has always been a problem area for me and I am hardly ever without 1-3 little white heads and maybe a larger pimple in that area, but this was more like a coordinated attack by an organized pimple army. I attempted to treat it by normal means and some slightly less conventional means; a few of them grew into larger pimples and most went away (but left marks). I am still trying to figure out what the hell caused this and the most obvious possibility is that I hooked up with a friend of mine the previous night. This region where the white heads popped up is mostly where he was kissing so my first thought is that maybe it was a reaction to something in his saliva. I know he had used some sort of breath mint or strips or something when I left the room so I first thought I may have had an allergic reaction to whatever he had that was minty. But these are definitely pimples and not hives. The other problem that this hook-up may have caused is that I left my make up on when I went to sleep, which is usually a BIG no-no for my skin. I did not wash my face before going to bed and did not wash my face until i got home the next morning, about halfway through the day. I also considered that something on his pillowcase may have aggravated my skin. But both of these possibilities don't jive with the fact that the acne ONLY occurred on my chin/lips. Now I am not a terribly sexually active person. This was not my first time but it did break a rather long, ahem, dry spell. Of about 2 and a half years. I know that acne is mostly hormonal so I'm not sure if having sex for the first time in that long caused a hormonal reaction, and I'm not sure what it could have caused a hormonal reaction TO (we used condoms so I don't see how my body would react differently to this than to sexual stimulation by any other means). For that matter, since I don't have a whole lot of sex in my life I'm not sure if other women with more regular sex lives find that sex has a more regular impact on their acne situations? Another thing of note is that I quite vividly recall having a very bad acne situation almost the same time last year. I took some pictures of myself on April 21, 2010, right before bidding farewell to a friend of mine (after a very stressful argument in March) and I concluded then that the bad acne was related to all the stress I was going through at the time regarding that relationship. (When he left, my skin started to get better, too.) This flare up started April 2 or 3 of this year and I am going through a considerable amount of stress now also, but this stress has been steady for a few months. However, I am wondering if perhaps it's just the changing of the seasons that is affecting my skin, the warmer weather causing my skin to produce more oil or something like that. Still, this breakout was awfully sudden and specifically localized. I can't afford to ask a doctor so I would appreciate any insight! Is it normal for sex to cause an acne flare up, or breaking a long dry spell to cause an acne flare up, or what? Does saliva + breath mints + foundation = zits? or is this something more serious that I should look into?

Adult Acne Pictures, Best answer:

Answer by Dresden Rose
I remember having a flare up of dozens of whiteheads on my forehead at one time. I saw a derm and he diagnosed it as acne caused by excess oil complicated by a slight case of dandruff. It's possible the whiteheads on your face were unrelated to your being kissed, and it's possible they were an allergic reaction to something like your partner's lip balm, breath mints, mouth rinse, aftershave, or your own cosmetics.

Answer by redpaintedroses
Yes acne does have to w/hormones... which is why after you do have sex it'll start to get better... not worse. It was just probably a combination of your make up, saliva, and not washing.

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Adult Acne Pictures â€" I sufferered from acne for 10 years. I was very depressed and very desperate. I tried everything to cure my acne; diets, dermatologists, ProActiv, and even steroids. None of it worked. This wasn't until I discovered the How To Clear Your Acne Regimen and the Acne Free Diet. I went from spending hours in the bathroom. Today, I barely even wash my face. I used to use 5-6 layers of acne products. Today, I just use soap and water. I used to envy my friends who had clear skin. Today, a lot of them ask me for advice on how to cure their emerging acne. And I'd love to share how I finally cleared my acne naturally with you: Adult Acne Pictures


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