What kind of acne medicine works best on the face?
Acne Medicine That Works, Question by Jew B: What kind of acne medicine works best on the face? Acne Medicine That Works
I have used many soaps and nuetrogena. The only thing that seems to be doing anything is dial soap, which doesnt get rid of the acne it just prevents more from coming. Is there anything that you would suggest i try using?Acne Medicine That Works, Best answer:
Answer by HMMorrill
origins, look it up online or soemthing it is very good and makes your face feel so clean there are body washes and stuff too but the only thing is that it is extremely expensive and is like $ 80 to get a good set..
Answer by (: mnm
try using clean and clear persa gel 10.
Answer by S.S.
continue washing with dish soap
Acne Medicine That Works, Give your answer to this question below!Acne Medicine That Works
Acne Medicine That Works รข" Dr. Thomas P. Habif, MD discusses Acne Treatment - How Acne Medicine Works. See more at www.dermnet.com PLEASE RATE AND COMMENT!!! Mode Of Action Of Therapeutic Agents Formation of the microcomedo or comedogenesis is thought to be the primary process in the pathogenesis of acne. Excess desquamation of follicular keratinocytes, abnormalities in sebum production and migration of immune cells that release proinflammatory cytokines are responsible for creation of the microcomedo. This lesion may evolve into noninflammatory open and closed comedones. P. acne bacteria proliferation in this sebum-keratinocyte mixture generates free fatty acids which are comedogenic. They also induce the formation of cytokines that induce inflammatory cells to invade and produce papules, pustu les and cysts. Acne treatments are designed to reverse abnormal desquamation of epithelial cells, stop the proliferation of P. acnes and reduce the excess production of sebum. Reduction of Epithelial Desquamation Topical agents that affect the desquamation of follicular epithelial cells and have activity against comedogenesis are tretinoin, tazarotene, adapalene, azelaic acid and salicylic acid. Topical tretinoin reduces the numbers of microcomedones and comedones by slowing the desquamation processes. Oral isotretinoin causes a decrease in the size of comedones and a reduction their formation. Topical and systemic antibiotics cause a small reduction in the number of comedones. Salicylic acid has a week ... Acne Medicine That Works