Does acne make a person less attractive physically?

Does acne make a person less attractive physically?

Natural Hormonal Acne Treatment For Women, Question by : Does acne make a person less attractive physically? Natural Hormonal Acne Treatment For Women

I'm a woman at the age of 20 with hormonal acne due to a chronic, serious illness which greatly affects my hormonal balance. I eat healthy (no junk at all!), drink water and tea only, no sugar, very small amount of high glycemic foods, no dairy foods (I still make sure to get my daily calcium through replacements such as soy, rice or nut milks), I also started taking zinc supplement recently since I heard it can help to regulate the hormone levels. It has helped a tiny bit so far. I take care of my skin every day in a chemical-free, natural way and I always keep sure to keep my skin smooth through exfiolation and moistured. I have quite a lot of scarring and redness on my face even though I don't have too much acne anymore. I first started developing acne at the age of 10-11 and I've been to a dermatologist though they are unable to provide me with prescriptions strong enough to "cure" my acne due to my illness. The antiboticis I've tried did not help me at all and I ate them for 6+ months. I cannot take Accutane or birth control as that could mess up my medical treatment. What are some foods I could avoid? What supplements are beneficial to acne? Does acne make a person less attractive physically?

Natural Hormonal Acne Treatment For Women, Best answer:

Answer by Make_Me_The_One
most people will say its a turn off , but its not , everyone has different things about them that makes them who they are , personally i dont mind it and i dont judge someone on looks and i love people personallity and , that shows i have never dated a model or a hot person every because i prefer to meet people that are intrestign and like minded but , your diet sounds like mine ahahaha hard work and theres lots you can't have, babes you''ll be fine and i am sure that your make up for it in otherways xxxxxxxxxxx

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Natural Hormonal Acne Treatment For Women รข€" An outline of why adult women get hormonal acne and how they can treat it. Referring links: Natural Hormonal Acne Treatment For Women

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