What do U think about the panoxyl 10% gel?does it treat acne???

What do U think about the panoxyl 10% gel?does it treat acne???

Panoxyl Acne Gel 10, Question by 3booood: What do U think about the panoxyl 10% gel?does it treat acne??? Panoxyl Acne Gel 10

it contina 10% of benzolia peroxide

Panoxyl Acne Gel 10, Best answer:

Answer by [LisaKate][Lame]
That stuff is awesome. I use it. It keeps my face clear, I depend on it. It's pretty strong so you might want to try it on a a small section of your face, like your cheek or something. Rather than your whole face, just incase of an irritation. It's written on the little piece of paper that comes with it.

Answer by Samflighter
Don't know but check this 1) Cook oatmeal and apply on face for fifteen minutes and wash. 2) Make a warm bath with blanch of nettle and rosemary. 3) Apply equal amount of lemon juice and rose water with a cotton ball and wash it after haif an hour for 15 to 20 days. For dozens of more ways, prevention, types and reasons check http://www.beauticianworld.com/acneremedy.html

Panoxyl Acne Gel 10, Add your own answer in the comments!Panoxyl Acne Gel 10

Panoxyl Acne Gel 10 รข€" Just a quick overview of my experience with panoxyl and how i got my skin back to where it was and started to realise it was way better off before! Panoxyl Acne Gel 10

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